Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Retrospect .

I remember my teenage years. Way back in... what was it? 1993 or so.
I remember the summer nights I never wanted to come home. 
The nights that turned into days, where I found myself smiling and laughing, the nights so full of life that I wish I could pause and live in forever. 

Being that carefree was one of the greatest feelings in the world. The brief moment when you thought, "I have to get home and..." was quickly overridden with a sense of freedom and haphazardness
The moment when you realized that there was nothing more important than that moment with your friends or hanging with the boy you were crushing on.

Seems like these days were just yesterday. The days I would wear big bows in my hair, roller-blade to my best friends house, practice my cartwheels, and beg my parents for "just 2 dollars!" It seems that since that time, life has quickly moved to fast forward.
Time does go by, and you wake up to realize the big bows got smaller and smaller until they disappeared altogether, all in the blink of an eye.
This aging business is tough! 

But, maybe the best part of aging is the simple remembrance of these priceless moments, and through our memories... we don't feel that fast forward button as much. 

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