Monday, April 8, 2013

Senses Of Love .

My eyes, honey in color and pear in shape, 
they capture. 
Thousands and thousands of still images and memories that illuminate and live in the deepest corners of my heart. 
The image of when our eyes first met. 
The smile you give me that says "I adore you," and the look of love I see reflected back at me. Each one burned and etched within me. Images that thrive in my subconscious.

My ears, also masters of capturing. 
Millions of tones, frequencies... voices. 
Sounds that if heard ten years from now, would still be remembered and ring true. The sound of your whisper recognized forever, even though dormant in my heart. A whisper played in my mind, that my soul dances to, without music.

My touch. Vibrations sent through my fingertips, 
yet felt through my heart and a warmth sent down my spine. 
How the rain felt as it fell on our bare skin, or the touch of your fingers as they graced my lip.

Smell. Taste. 
Senses used to savor all my moments and memories created. 
The smell of your cologne spruced neck. 
The taste of our first meal shared.  
Each one taken, stored... savored.

It is through my senses I form my bonds.
Bonds to 
your images I see,
your voice I hear,
your hands I touch, 
your cologne I smell,
and memories...
I can still taste.

It is through my senses I form my bonds.

The bond... of love.

Love Chronicle #11 .

There is nothing great in this world that doesn't come with a level of great risk.
Every opportunity that graces our way is one huge gamble.


It is not an exception, and perhaps,
the largest 'throw of the dice' of all.

As a young girl, I questioned the value of this word "love," simply because of its commonality and how much it was built up to be.

If some of the greatest things in life were rare, and love was everywhere, then surely it couldn't of been so grand?

But truth is,
it is rare,
and more precious than gems.

Sacred, and hardly common.
Giving you strength, that I humbly underestimated.

Taking a risk.
Taking everything you have and placing it on that betting table.
Winning a happiness that nothing in this universe can ever compare to,
or taking everything you have and using every shattered piece against you.

The jackpot at stake?

A person who will stand with you at your fears and help you release them from your soul.
A secure place in their heart with the desire to never let you go.
Sparks of lighting that illuminate your hearts.
Hands that grip with uncertainly apart, but together,
 are strong as one.
Seeing your breath being taken into your chest, and watching it rise in theirs.

Love consists of the efforts we give and the gamble we are willing to risk.
I need reminders of this often.
To live my life from the "oh wells"
the "what ifs."